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yet another wiv depression

rite, on n off for 3 months iv bin like this. thing is, unlike most ppl who know wots causin it. i dont. i thought i did but i haven't a clue. on and off as regularly as daily i can be doin somethin fine like checkin emails or makin tea and i'll start to cry for no reason what so ever. it doesnt make any sense, i dont know wots causin it n iv bin told i should see a doctor but i dont wana waste anyones times. if i knew wot was makin me down i cud sort it out but ther is literally nothin what so ever that i can think of makin me feel like this..my mum thinks its a medical thing :(. any advice wud b so greatful. i dont want to hav to rely on antidepressants.

im sure most of u wil b thinkin, oh, shes 16. it'll b a case of "oh god i havent got a boyfriend and want to die" scenario.. but its nothin like that. i hav the best friends anyone could ask for and the sweetest best boyfriend and supportive family.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: yet another wiv depression
    Originally posted by Janjan
    im sure most of u wil b thinkin, oh, shes 16. it'll b a case of "oh god i havent got a boyfriend and want to die" scenario.. but its nothin like that. i hav the best friends anyone could ask for and the sweetest best boyfriend and supportive family.

    you'll probably hate me saying this, but at 16 your hormones are having a right mental time of it, and it's totally normal to have fairly severe mood swings or short periods of feeling low. longer periods are not normal.

    doesn't mean you have to put up with it though. have a chat to your doctor and see if he can do anything.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Big *hugs* to you, sweetie - it's horrible feeling like this. Just thought I'd give you some links that might help you understand depression a bit better - like Kaffrin said, it may well be a case of hormones all over the place, so I certainly wouldn't diagnose yourself - if you still fel that it might be a serious problem after reading these links try speaking your doctor.

    What is depression?

    The signs

    Breaking free

    Also, if you want to chat to someone in confidence, the following helplines could help you:

    Telephone counselling service for children, young people and adults on any issue, including relationships, depression, mental health, child abuse, bullying, rape and sexual assault, domestic violence, addictions, stress etc.
    Telephone: 020 8875 0500

    Depression Alliance
    Charity offering information and self-help groups.
    Telephone: 0845 123 23 20; www.depall.org
    The helpline is charged at a local rate and will automatically put you through to your nearest office.

    Take care

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    you should see a doctor if this has been constant for over 2 weeks.

    im the same, i have no idea why im like this. Nothing bad happened to me, no traumatic events in my life, a caring mum, house to live in, nice boyfriend, nice car, job etc...

    It is worth going to see somebody about it though. you're not wasting anybodys time.
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