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Grr arg.

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
The one guy I love doesn't seem to understand me at all. He just told me to fuck off cos I got upset that he hasn't texted me in a week, and then all he had to say this morning when he texted me was 'Meep. Xx' So i sent a sarcastic text back - cos I'm bloody upset! And he says, 'Oh fuck off, fine i won't fucking speak to you then.'

It feels like he doesn't understand me at all, and now I feel completely unloved, from the so-called love of my life.

This may sound really pathetic, but I'm sorry I just had to write it somewhere cos I'm not texting him back for fear that I'll say something angry and stupid.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hrm. How long you been with him? What a knobbish thing to do, poor you. :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well, we were together for a year, then apart because he broke up with me......and then recently he revealed that he'd never actually fallen out of love with me, and he broke up because of uni. In january :yeees:

    meh, it just feels like he's playing me around!!!!!

    But when he's not being a dick, he's the best person in the world. Arg!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is it just the txting that annoys you?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hrm, sounds as though he doesn't realise what he's got. I say YOU break up with him and that'll make his head spin about and make him think - "Oh jings, what did I lose!", thus effortmaking from his part to win you back and keep you! ;D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think text messages cause a surprising amount of problems in relationships, because its impossible to tell someones tone of voice or real meaning over text and you don't have the space to explain yourself like you do online.

    I have a similar thing with my boyfriend to a lesser extent, it does irritate me when he hasn't seen me for days and I text him asking him if he wants to do something tomorrow or how he is etc. and he just never texts back - but then I think a lot of men just simply can't be bothered or don't see the importance of responding.

    I guess all you can do is wait until the next time you see him or give him a call and just tell him that you don't want to come across as obsessive or anything but when you haven't seen one another for a few days it would be nice if he could contact you or respond to your messages, just to show that he is thinking of you, he does care and he appreciates the fact that you bother to message him.

    Good luck with it anyway, I hope hes a bit nicer and more understanding about it that he seems to be at the moment!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i have roughly the same problem with my bf, the difference being i love him and he said he doesn't want to lie to me which is why he never says it back. I had a good think about it and he doesn't text me either, or email and he hates phones. Like you I was pretty upset, another problem being he lives in a different town, even though it's only 15 mins on a train away it makes a big difference when you just need someone there with you.
    So anyway, i was thinkin about it and my mates tell me i should try take things less serious. Then I realised, previous bf's have claimed to love me and it made no real difference, they still took me for granted or treated my like shit so i figured, providing i'm happy with this guy now him loving me won't make all that much of a difference because it sure as hell won't guarantee happiness in my life, no more so than already. I know that kinda doesn't make sense that i'm happy even though he doesn't contact me too often, but when we are together i'm so overcome by the joy in me that it doesn't matter that he doesn't bug me with constant messages, providing i know he cares for me, which he shows when we;re together and he fusses over me, some of the other things don't seem so important, like romantic guestures, not so regular messages or whether he loves me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    When are people going to realise that instead of all this "didn't reply" texting bollocks - just pick up the fookin' phone and ring them if you want an answer! :mad:

    Back in my day (lol - I`m 25) we didn't have all these nice simple yet faceless methods of communications - just the phone or a letter! I hate texting (and I work for Nokia which is just wonderful) and would much rather a person rang me if they want to know something. I will only text somebody, for example, to let them know I'm going to be a few minutes late or something similar. Otherwise I ring them.

    Honestly - just ring the buggers and half of this bollocks won't be a problem.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Just to Clarify, Ryoko Rock girly - had YOU tried getting in touch with HIM during the week that he was out of contact with you?!

    If not, then, well - why not? It can't fall just to one person, don't you know?! :rolleyes:

    If so and he just didn't respond - then I fall back onto the "just ring the bugger" angle. Texting is SO not the way to sort relationship issues out.

    Perhaps the "love of your life" (and I also hate that phrase...) just ain't what he used to be and could be moving onwards...

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lol, what a lot of hostility!!!!

    Yeah well whatever :P

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No - not hostility.

    I just thought I'd cut through the bullshit and give you a point of view from a slightly different, older (and male) angle. If you don't want to listen, then fair enough, but I believe that I made some very good points in my posts that, as I mentioned, would go a long way to stopping half the shitty posts on here about "He never replied to my text" or "he doesn't text me". JUST USE THE PHONE AS IT WAS ORIGINALLY INTENDED.

    I wasn't going to pander along with the whole "ooo - he's such a bastard" way of thinking - and I believe I was right not to. You haven't given any information about any "effort" that you put into sorting your situation out. Perhaps you have, perhaps you haven't - but if you're going to just ignore good advice, then perhaps you shouldn't bother posting your "problems" in the first place!

    Some people just refuse to learn, eh? "Yeah well whatever :P" - hardly the response of a person who really does want to sort her situation out, is it?!

    Think about it.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well it's sorted now anyway. The thing is, it's a bit more complicated than what I said, just I didn't really have time to go into the whole thing :s

    Sorry if I seemed immature, but really I just sorta wanted to get out my frustration, so yeah I probably did seem immature. But technically we're ok now, we both apologised, so....yeah....

    No offence intended :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Heh - there was no offence taken... Sometimes when I'm trying to get a point across in as few words as possible I can come across a little terse... I apologise for that...

    Either way, I'm glad you got it all sorted out now! :)

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