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Don't jump on me

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
saying suicide is wrong, its not the answer etc..
but how does anyone know that!?
has anyone on this site actually died? no, thought not. (im not planning on it either in case people decide to lecture me)
How do we know there isnt some devine afterlife awaiting us when we die?
Im incredibly curious about what happens but the only thing holding me back from actually killing myself is the reactions of those i love and care for. i know they would be very hurt if i died and i wouldnt want to hurt them. but thats the only reason - if i had nobody i would probably let curiousity get the better of me, after all, what would i have to lose? (your life, i hear you say) but whats so great that its not worth losing?

not particually asking any for any answers here but just trying to provoke a bit of thought.....discuss.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sucide, kinda selfish. We don't have long on earth so we should all make the most of it before we pass over, we will all at some point find out waht lies ahead for us.
    How do we know there isnt some devine afterlife awaiting us when we die?

    How do you know that we won't be stuck in some place to wallow in our own self pity or hit the floor of hell? Only time will tell.

    As I say, we should make the most of our life because if there is nothing there waiting for us then it's gonna be pretty crap.

    Ever thought about speaking to someone about these thoughts of yours? Ever seen Flatliners?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Felix Da Housecat
    Ever thought about speaking to someone about these thoughts of yours? Ever seen Flatliners?

    spoken to my friends about them, some can think outsdie the box and others just completely disagreed saying that theres definately nothing after we die and wouldnt even listen to reason that theres no way of possibly knowing that, and nope - what is flatliners?

    i guess im just thinking quite deep today but as far as i can tell all we know about life, death, everything! is what we've been told, what we've been brought up to beleive.
    There is a lot of stuff that doesnt make sence to me tbh, like i have a lot of deja-vu's and i guess you could call them premonitions where i've dreamt about something or someone that i've never seen before then i'll see them or go there in real life, kinda wierd but how do you explain it? same way you would explain death, no-one knows. or well, we're led to beleive that no-one knows. i could go on for ages about a number of subjects but im probably not really making any sense so i'll shut up.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Deja-vu isn't anything mystical, I could go into it but I can't be arsed unless you really want to hear about it.

    You maybe to young to remember the film, it was back in 1990 about a group of med students that explore near death experiences/temporary death by putting themselves in a "state of death" by artificial means and let the cardiograph become a flat line for a designated amount of time and then be revived so they can describe their near-death experience to others. When they "die" they have a flashback on everything they have ever done, recall sins, chilhood, etc. It's a good film, must get it again.

    While your in the mood check out www.astralsociety.com - have a look around and go onto their forums. It's intersting :).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you want to kill yourself, do it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You didn't read the small print.
    (im not planning on it either in case people decide to lecture me)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by kaptin pikarrrd
    If you want to kill yourself, do it.

    Yeah thats really clever. fuckin dumbass.
    I'd hate to think that all the advice you would give to someone considering suicide as an option (which im not, and wasnt btw) is 'do it', that just seems a really pointless comment, if you dont agree with the topic of the thread then dont reply to it, simple as.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Felix Da Housecat
    Deja-vu isn't anything mystical, I could go into it but I can't be arsed unless you really want to hear about it.

    Actually i would quite like to hear about it if you dont mind.
    Not sure if the things i get are actually deja-vu's but theyre kinda freaky.. its like i'll dream something and wont think much of it but then however long down the line i'll find myself in the same situation and remembering what happened in the dream.
    for example i had a dream that i was sat at a desk working on a pc and this guy came over to me and we started arguing about something then he just started hitting me and really laying into me. then a few months ago i got a new job (temp job) and this same guy came over to me and started talking i just kept my mouth shut cause i remembered what happened in the dream.
    thing is though i'd never been to this workplace before i drempt it and i'd never met that guy...

    [edit: thanks for the link, just checked it out, got some interesting stuff on there!]
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I did write a fair bit but it was a little to in depth so I thought I'd keep it easy.

    First off, because of Deja vu's unpredictable nature, no one knows the causes - mental, chemical, or physical - of Deja vu and so it's a very difficult phenomenon to study. Deja vu has been associated with temporal-lobe epilepsy. Reportedly, Deja vu can occur just prior to a temporal-lobe epileptic attack. I doubt that's the same for many of us who get it though.

    Also, some people think it is a glimpse of a past life. But if that is true and you get Deja vu in say a trendy new bar, you have to ask your self. How old am I and how long has this bar been here? It is impossible to be anything other than a chemical imbalance or something like that in my opinion becuase a bar being say 5 years old and you being 18 kinda throws the past life theory out the window if you know what I mean.

    About you dream, are you the kind of person that keeps feeling botteled up, oe has someone upset you of late?

    PM if you wanna talk more :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Felix Da Housecat
    About you dream, are you the kind of person that keeps feeling botteled up, oe has someone upset you of late?

    No, not at all, that was just an example and that was quite a while ago now. It just seems the dreams act as a kind of warning, its like telling me what will happen should i do this or if i did that..
    not sure if things would turn out the same but the dreams ive had where they come true have all had something bad in them but the bad thing never happens in real life, like the guy hitting me, didnt happen and he was a perfectly nice guy but theres still a part of me that thinks, what if i *did* argue with him, would he have started hitting me if i followed the path of my dream, doing and saying the same things.
    there was another dream where i dreamt i was arguing with my dad and i said something and he got really pissed off and kicked me out the house and the same thing happened, we were arguing in real life (not in the dream) and i found myself nearly saying the thing that pissed him off in the dream then i remembered...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You only get to live once. You have one life. So you might aswell make the most of it. Then you die. We all die, that's the only sure thing, so you will get to experience death. By living first you get to experience both life and death, so just wait 'till 'your' time comes. No need to be impatient.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Don't jump on me
    Originally posted by icey
    How do we know there isnt some devine afterlife awaiting us when we die?

    Nothing nice for suicides afterwards.

    It's a mortal sin, and you're straight to hell.

    At least, as far as catholics consider it. I'm fairly confident that's how many christians see it as well. Ultimatly anyway.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Youre gonna be a long time dead anyway when it happens, so if youre not frightened of death, then thats a good thing, but theres no point bringing it forward unneccesarily, and plenty of reasons not to.
    Suicide is incredibly tragic for the people left behind. If nobody loved you then it wouldnt be so bad, but if youve got family and friends who care for you then it would be the most cruel and terrible thing to kill yourself. Especially for your parents who have invested so much time and love into creating you and raising you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think death is permanent sleep.
    you go to sleep and never wake up.

    If you hate this life so much and in constant mental and emotional pain, why should you have to carry on living it.
    If you want to kill yourself, do it.

    i dont know
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    Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,688 Skive's The Limit
    As others have said, we know nothing about death. It could simply be the end of existence, it could be better than the best part of life or it could be worse than the worst part of life. Nobody can know. And since we're all going there someday, we might as well take as much as we can from life while we still can. You never know, maybe everyone who's dead wishes (s)he could be alive.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Didn't that guy, RubberSkin commit suicide?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yes he did, but his circumstances were rather different.
    He didnt have much to live for, and I for one would never judge him for his decision. God rest his soul. :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I dont want to die, not yet anyway. not talking about i actually want to commit suicide, just whats the big deal about it, nobody knows what happens when we die so why does everyone go crazy when someone says they want to kill themselves?
    someone said that people who commit suicide will go straight to hell - so basically you're saying you beleive a story that someone wrote a long time ago, the bible. now im not saying i dont beleive in the bible, but just remember who wrote it... anyone know? exactly.
    Its just an old book, it might be true, it might not no-one knows, but how do we know that in 2000 years time that someone in the future might find harry potter and beleive it to be true?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by icey
    why does everyone go crazy when someone says they want to kill themselves?

    because its a waste of their life ?

    They must be going through a really bad time to want to kill themselves, it must be a horrible feeling that they feel the need to kill themselves and to feel that they cant go on.

    We all have times when we feel shit, lifes a bitch and we feel that theres no escape......but we get through them and we learn from our mistakes. These bad times that people have will eventually pass and to me thats why its a shame that someone is that low and they take their life.....things would probably improve, maybe not straight away but things would have got better and they eventually would have got through that shit time they were having.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by icey
    someone said that people who commit suicide will go straight to hell - so basically you're saying you beleive a story that someone wrote a long time ago, the bible. now im not saying i dont beleive in the bible, but just remember who wrote it... anyone know?

    I did, it's about having faith, and moses wrote down the words of God.

    Now I'll be honest, I hate writing things like that, it's so exclusionist, but it's what I believe to be true.

    Honestly, people like you piss me off no end. We don't like suicides because it's a waste, and no matter how the person in question is feeling there are always people left behind that it's going to affect. And affect badly.

    It's not fair to do that to a person, and I fully hold it to be a selfish act.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fair enough, thats your belief, but you (and neither does anyone else) have any proof.
    You say moses wrote down the words of God, really? and who says that? oh yes, the bible does....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by icey
    oh yes, the bible does....

    Please cant you leave religion out of it......at the end of the day religion is no good when someones just taken their life or someone contemplating it.

    Look at the issues as to why and how people can help others who are feeling like this.

    Sorry but religion just pisses me off when we are talking about issues like this.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BeckyBoo
    Please cant you leave religion out of it

    But religion is where most peoples opinions on suicide stem from.
    For example, look at all the muslim extremists and suicide bombers - they are prepared to die for what the beleive in, and what they beleive in is what they have been taught as part of their religion.
    Christianity (and im sorry if you arent a christian, thats just impression you gave) teaches people that there is a heaven and a hell, if you are good you go to heaven, if you are bad you go to hell. but who is to say what is bad and what is good?
    You say suicide is wrong becasue it causes suffering, but how do you know thats not a good thing, Jesus suffered (according to the bible) and he suffered for our sins, so does that not mean that anyone who suffers is also suffering for sins, be that their own or other peoples?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by icey

    For example, look at all the muslim extremists and suicide bombers - they are prepared to die for what the beleive in, and what they beleive in is what they have been taught as part of their religion.

    I thought you were talking about general people who commit suicide not pathetic extremists who have probably been brainwashed......two totally different things in my opinion.

    So your telling me that making people suffer is ok ? so I kill myself tonight and then my hubby has to tell my 9 yr old Daughter that her Mam aint here no more......yeah right.......ok.

    People who commit suicide are ill in my opinion and the sooner these people get help the better. They feel like they cant go on, they feel that theres nothing worth living for and maybe at that time they are right, maybe they are in a deep shit hole but if they faced that deep shit hole they would eventually find a way out.

    I am a Christian, what im saying is that when someone feels like this then forget about the religion and let them know that they can get through it and things will get better, even if its 2 years down the track. There is a way out you just have to be patient and you will find a way out. (not you personally).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I remember RubberSkin :), he was pretty cool. Didn't deserve what the bastards done to him. No one should have to go through what he went through.

    As for sucide if a sin? Nah, they tell you that to stop you doing it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BeckyBoo
    I thought you were talking about general people who commit suicide not pathetic extremists who have probably been brainwashed

    I was talking about general people who commit suicide i was just using the extremists as an example.
    You say they've been brainwashed - yeah thats true, but so have you, and so have a lot of people - brainwashed into believing that suicide is a sin when theres absolutely no proof of this at all.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BeckyBoo
    Please cant you leave religion out of it......at the end of the day religion is no good when someones just taken their life or someone contemplating it.

    I know it seems like an unnecessary distraction, but I know a lot of people who've been brought back from the brink with faith in something more.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Surely you dont believe that its for RELIGIOUSreasons thatpeopleare against suicide??????
    Im not religious yet I still wouldnt want any of my loved ones to kill themselves because as far as anyone knows, thats it over. The brain cant survive without the body, therefore we cease to think, cease to be alive, everything ceases for that person.
    It means they would be gone and nobody wants the people they love to be gone forever do they? Its got bugger all to do with religion.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by rainbow brite
    The brain cant survive without the body, therefore we cease to think, cease to be alive, everything ceases for that person.

    sorry but thats how one of my friends thinks as well and i think thats really tunnel minded. what you're saying is that theres nothing after we die, no afterlife no heaven, no hell no anything.
    But you're saying this with no proof whatsoever.
    Fair enough you're not religious and still think suicide is a bad thing, but how do you know that? if everyone was brought up with the government and basically the whole world saying death is the best thing that could possibly happen to someone then would you still think that suicide is wrong?
    people react the way they do to death because of the way society has taught them to react. normal society tells us that death is the end, that death is a bad thing. but nobody can back up this theory can they...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well yes they can back up the theory. In fact all evidence points to this being what happens.
    I personally LOVE the idea that there is an afterlife where we are all happy ever after, but all scientific evidence points to life being a cycle. We live, we reproduce, then we die.
    When we think, there are brainwaves. There is no proof that any soul that can exist independently of the body exists. When we die, the brainwaves stop happening. Maybe something else does happen afterwards but it probably doesnt unfortunatly.
    If you killed yourself just because you couldnt get your head round the idea you are actually mortal, and had convinced yourself that it would be some sort of adventure, then I wouldnt feel sorry for you. Id feel sorry for your mum and dad whod wasted their time and would be grieving more than you could EVER know.
    Rubberskin didnt have a mother or a family, he had noone to love him, hed been abused and had a terminal illness.
    I can understand why he did what he did, but for someone to even think of suicide almost as if its a lark, and something new to experience, sickens me.
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