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Weight gain

This dates from a few years back, up to the present. I'm 5"4' so I shouldn't weigh any more than 10st 7lb. I managed to keep this weight up until the age of 20 in September 1998. After that, my body waved a white flag and decided to increase my weight to 12st in the space of three months. The weight stayed the same for the next 5 years.

Last year, I got a job and accomodation in a new town (Stafford) which involves a 1.5-mile walk to and from work (3 miles total, 5 times a week). I attend Salsa class for an hour every Wednesday evening, and I'll walk an extra 2-mile circuit three times a week. Annoyingly, my weight totally refuses to crack the sub-12st barrier.

My intake is as follows:

Breakfast - Two Weetabix, semiskimmed milk (150 cal), desert spoon of white sugar (50 cal), 250ml glass of orange juice (100 cal). That's 300 in all.

Lunch - Homemade sandwiches comprising three slices of brown bread (300 cal), slices of cheese (50 g / 200 cal), 1 tomato (15 cal) and butter spread knocking the saga up to 600 cal.

Supper - Pasta/pesto, greens/baked potato (+peanut butter)/hardboiled egg, cheese and mushroom ommelette and various others, easily equating to 800 cal.

Daily snacks normally involve a banana (100), or half a pot of natural yoghurt with jam (200).

That's 1900 in all, which is probably right for my height and my medium level of activity. Obviousy, I'm doing something very wrong to maintain my weight as it is now, so I'll need to cut my 800 cal supper to something more like 500. One night last week, I just had half a bag of greens, two hardboiled eggs and some coleslaw which equals about right. I can't have this every night though, so are there any other 500 cal suggestions? I can pretty much eat anything apart from tuna and cream.

Many thanks for any suggestions!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Are you consuming any alcohol?

    Its easy to forget that its chock full of calories.

    Also what is your BMI? That is a FAR better way of knowing your "ideal" weight.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    eggs and cheese contain saturated fat which isn't good for you.
    also sugar which you find in jam, probably peanut butter and yoghurts is really not that great for you because it makes you put on weight.
    perhaps it's not how much you eat, it's more of a case what you eat. the problem with cutting down to 500cals for you dinner is that you'll probably get really hungry by 8/9pm!

    for lunch why not have some soup (not the fresh soup, thats got tonnes of fat in it) and a brown roll/bun.
    if you have a sandwich, don't have cheese. instead have a salad or chicken sandwich. maybe cut down to 2slices?

    i suggest instead that with your pasta have a tomato based sauce rather than pesto because pesto has lots of oil in it.
    don't have ommlette and eggs too often. try and include more vegetables into your diet because they do fill you up as well as providing nutrients. they can also replace some food, for example don't have as much pasta because carbs are stored as fat if you don't burn them off.

    also, how fast do you walk? do you get hot? the thing with exercise is that you need to increase your heartbeat in order for it to have any effect.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    im not saying the atkins diet is good, but some aspects of it may be able to help you.
    such as reducing the amount of refined sugars you consume, or switching from white bread to wholemeal bread.
    tests have shown that for overweight people, the atkins diet does make you lose alot of weight, and the science behind it does make sence.
    another thing may be to consume most of your calories before 3pm. this means that you will consume enough but most of them will be burnt. if you go to sleep on a full stomach, or having just eaten (especially high carbs as these raise your blood sugar levels) then this energy will not be burnt as efficiently...
    anyway, i hope that has helped:)

    ps. i am no way saying the atkins diet is good, as a balanced diet is important, but maybe altering the type of carbs you eat might help? eg. instead of pasta, have chicken? or maybe wholemeal pasta? good luck;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Many thanks all of ya!

    Bong Budda:
    - My BMI is measured at 28.8, based on 5 feet, 4 inches and 168 pounds (calculated on this site)
    - Alcohol is 14 units a week on average, despite the government balderdash about 21/28. 14 is about right for me anyway. A couple of pints on a Thursday after work and then 6 or 7 alcopops on a clubbing night in the weekend. Each unit is approx. = 100 cal. Mind you, I've hardly clubbed lately because my social life is (and had been) rocky for quite a while.

    - I knew that cheese had cholesterol, but I didn't realise that eggs were just as bad.
    - Chicken in sandwiches is a good idea. I doubt I could downsize to two slices, but then just about all of my colleagues have 4 slices of white (thick-sliced too).
    - Tomato sauce with pasta... i.e. Dolmio, or is it best to have it homemade?
    - That's a point about walking. I don't think that my heart beat reflects it too much, but I do get unbelievely hot, which is a classic sign of being unhealthy. I don't run out of breath or get the stitch though.

    - White/brown bread. Did you mean that it is worse to switch bread types than i.e. having white bread constantly?
    - I'll have a dig at wholemeal pasta.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    dolmio is fine. don't get the little stir ones like 'roasted pepper' because they have loads of fat. but the normal bologneise sauce is ok.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    brown bread, and wholmeal pasta have a lower GI (glycemic index) than their white versions. this means that when you eat it, your blood sugar doesnt rise as much, which lowers the amount of weight you put on because it lowers the amount of sugar in your blood and therefore your cells, so your cells use other things for energy ie. the fat you possess on your body...
    this is the basis of how the atkins diet works, because protein and fat (the main components of the diet) have very very low GI's and carbs have high GI's. so the lower it is, the less sugars in your system!

    with respect to the alcohol thing, have you tried drinking vodka and a diet mixer such as diet coke? this has no carbs in and vodka is 50 cals per unit, which is alot lower than alcopops!

    oh and something about eggs. although the yolk contains fat, these are the 'good' fats and shouldnt really be avoided as you need fats for a healthy nervous system etc, so bear this in mind when planning a diet:)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by clara
    oh and something about eggs. although the yolk contains fat, these are the 'good' fats and shouldnt really be avoided as you need fats for a healthy nervous system etc, so bear this in mind when planning a diet:)

    yup, glad someone has pointed this out. just have them boiled or poached instead of fried. much better for you.

    if you cut all fat out of your diet, your body will freak out. you need to leave stuff in. good fats are things like eggs, olive oil, some cheeses (usually the high calcium ones, like feta).

    the recommended daily intake of fat for adult males is about 100g. so on a diet you probably still should be taking in about 50g.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You do seem to have a lot of carbohydrate with each meal! Not that I'm advocating a Carb free diet but it would probably be better if you ate carbs first thing and then cut them out as the day went on.

    For example you could have cerial for breakfast but skip the sugar (I never did understand sugar on cerial!!) then try to have a meat and veg based meal for Lunch and dinner. Certainly cut out any heavy carbs or indeed a heavy meal for dinner! As you get to the end of the day you probably do less excercise and so therefore don't need the energy provided by carbs.

    Some people say grazing is a good way to go - ie eat small amounts every two hours (raw carrots, apples etc) instead of eating chocolate and buscuits for afternoon snacks!.

    Also make a rule that you don't eat anything after 7pm!

    You maybe need to do a more aerobic exercise like running or cycling??
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