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Embarrassed about weight loss

Right. I'm overweight-I'm not telling people my BMI or my weight or my size-I'm too embarrassed to even do that. But I'm not one of these people who is a size 6 and convinced that they are fat-just to inform people that before I explain.

Basically, I need to lose weight because being at the weight I am could lead to me having health risks apparently. The nurse told me to eat as I normally do, but to excercise 3 times a week in addition to this. I have a problem with time and money on the excercise front-I don't have enough to join a gym, and at the moment have little to no time to excercise (I'm out at school from 7-5 each day then do homework when I get home too).

My other problem, however, lies in that I am embarrassed to excercise. Any kind of excercise makes me feel self-concious whether at home or in public, and I can't bring myself to do it. The last few times I tried I was laughed at by my dad and my friends-if they laugh at me, then I get convinced that other people will.

So basically I don't know what to do-how to lose weight without excercising. I don't want to try and faddy diets like Atkins or things like that, and I already eat small portions-not much anyway. If anybody has any ideas/suggestions, then all useful help is appreciated.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well how do you travel? can you walk instead or at least part of the way? if you did that 5times a week it would do you some good. but by walking i mean briskly so that you feel hot.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It takes over an hour by car to get to school. Also, if I walk so I feel hot, then I will sweat, feel dirty, and have to go home and have a shower.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well what about the weekends?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I work every sunday and usually 1 or 2 saturdays a month. If im not working on saturday I usually see my mum and do my homework.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well what do you propose to do then? you must have some time to do at least a bit of exercise. is there nothing you could sacrafice? this is your health we're talking about. is there nothing in your lifestyle that you could change?

    how about exercise videos? or going for a bike ride or a wlk on the saturdays your not working.

    perhaps you need to look at what you're eating?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    could you do something like walk up and down your stairs a few times every day. you might feel a bit silly, but it'll do you the world of good, and the only people who'll see you are your family.

    or an exercise video, and forcibly lock everyone out of the room while you do it.

    cause basically the only way to lose weight is to use up more calories than you consume. but if you consume too few calories, it's bad for you, so to use up more you really need to get your heart pounding a few times a week.

    eating healthy, small, frequent meals will get you on the right track, but the exercise is what'll make the difference.

    cause even if you're thin, if you're unfit you'll still be plagued by health problems.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've got one of those groovy trampoline style things that i use. It doesn't feel like exercise and its so much fun bouncing up and down. All my housemates have a go. Another good idea is those dancemats for computers. I felt a bit selfconscious exercising too but these are 'fashionable', (if you can call it that), fun and great exercise. Do you have a dog you could walk or maybe get a step and do some step aerobics?
    its great if you can get a mate to exercise with you. The guy i live with loves having a go on the dancemat with me coz he's so competitive (can't say much for his co ordination tho!)

    P.S. keep your chin up 2. You may not see visible signs of losing weight instantly but its doing great things to your insides that will benefit you for years to come
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you need to lose weight, a balanced diet and regular exercise are the only ways forward I'm afraid. Start thinking about how you can change little things in your diet (read our features for some advice) and if you don't like the idea of exercising in front of others try exercising at home like hotphoenix suggested. Why not try out an exercise video? That way you can draw the curtains and no one need know. If you make a start this way you'll sonn find yourself fitter and more confident to exercise out and about.
    Hope that helps
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sorry to be a bit judgmental but the first thing you need to do if your serious about this is to stop making excuses. You've replied to Lipsy twice with excuses.

    You say you do homework when you get home, If it takes you all night from 5 o'clock then i'm just glad I didn't go to your school.

    All you need is to put 1/2hr a night to one side and do the things already suggested. Anyone can give 1/2hr up of their time if they are serious about it. This is your health we're talking about.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yup, I agree with all the above stuff. If the nurse says to exercise rather than dieting - well, she knows best. If you're too self-conscious to join a gym or club, then try stuff at home - the running/walking up and down stairs thing, or maybe sit ups and stuff. But do it regularly. To be fair, I can never manage to keep a routine for more than a few weeks :-/

    Also, if there's a swimming pool near you that's not a leisure pool; that is to say for serious swimming - try that. In my uni pool, which I've visited twice, there was only about 4-5 people there other than me and frankly no one's interested in anyone else because you go to that kind of pool to stay in trim, or train, rather than just mess around. The same applies to the gym, really, though you may not believe me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The stupidest mistake you can make when trying to lose weight is not eating. You need to eat to keep your metabolism up.

    Forget this Atkins crap. Eat about 5 smaller meals a day. Meals should be low fat. Stuff like tuna, chicken, salad, bread, skimmed milk, potatoes, cottage cheese, salmon, coley fish etc.

    And don't moan about the food being 'bland' or anything. If you want results, then you should stop being fussy. And believe me you get used to this 'bland' diet. If I told a typical bloke my diet, they'd laugh. When I started training properly ages ago I hated the taste of cottage cheese but I still ate it and now I love it.

    I love the food that I eat. Things like crisps mean NOTHING to me. A few thin slices of potato fried in oil........ :rolleyes:
    And chocolate? Something with so much sugar that its bound to taste nice, wrapped up in a fancy wrapper or box.... ?

    If you really are embarrased about exercising (you shouldn't be) then buy an elliptical trainer, put it in your bedroom and lock the door when you exercise.
    You should do cardio about 5 times a week for 20 minutes each time. Work your way up to that much.
    The best time to do cardio for optimum fat-loss is apparantly first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up on an empty stomach.
    So as soon as you get up, lock your bedroom door, do a few stretches, and jump on the elliptical trainer for about 20 minutes WITHOUT FAIL. And pump up the music too! Then when you finished, take a shower, have your breakfast and then go to work/college/uni.......
    What better way to start the day.

    Also, educate yourself on health and fitness so that you can understand your body more. No need to spend any money. There is LOADS of information online. Everything you'll ever need.

    Remember, you're not doing anything temporary just to lose some fat that you don't like right now. What you do needs to be permanent. You need to create a healthy LIFESTYLE. You need to get into the habit of eating healthy and exercising for the rest of your life and love doing it! Loads and loads of people do it. Every single celebrity does it, why can't we do it?
    After all, whats more important than your own health???

    Hope I've helped.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Crescendo has said just about everything. You don't need to join a gym. They're expensive, and you have to go out of your way to excercise there. Most people have good intentions with gyms, but never keep it up as it's too much hassle. As Crescendo said, have a look around on the Net, and you'll find plenty of advice, and excercises you can do at home with inexpensive, minimal, equipment.
    I'd reccomend doing brisk walking as that will raise your metabolism, or if you have a bicycle, use it!

    From what I remember of photos of you, you're big, but not enourmous, so it's just going to take modest escercise and a careful balanced diet.

    I once ballooned, and eventually shifted over 50 lbs. It took a year, but I did it. It took a lot of will power at times, but the big difference was eating better, then phasing in excercise (cycling to work a few days a week), and sometimes just putting up with a little hunger (more of an empty feeling than ravenous hunger).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i agree with everyone else who's replied here - the key to your exercise is to start small. you cant expect to be able to run 20miles in your first week of exercising, can you? just start of small; try doing 10 sit-ups on your bed every morning. it will only take 3 or 4 minutes, and you can build up to 15 when you can do 10 more easily.
    also, if your family and friends are laughing at you then do it in the privacy of your own room. personally they must be pretty immature and insensitive to laugh, so just ignore them. prove to them you can do it - but do it for yourself!!! good luck, and remember that every little counts :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Exactly. You say you want to lose weight but you wont do this or that.

    What exactly do you want us to do for you? Create more time in your life? Don't get me wrong, well done for asking for advice, but you've got to get out there and do some excercise and stop making excuses.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mr Wobble....Tut tut.. the whole gym thing was very generalised...

    I've been a member of a gym for just over 3 years, lost 2 stone and am now at a reasonable weight, which I maintain regularly...

    Mazz, I'd just say use your house to your advantage!! The stairs are good!! Even cleaning, using a hoover for half an hour burns fat!! If you can't do a gym... Improvise!!!!

    Ilora x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Carpet Monster
    Exactly. You say you want to lose weight but you wont do this or that.

    What exactly do you want us to do for you? Create more time in your life? Don't get me wrong, well done for asking for advice, but you've got to get out there and do some excercise and stop making excuses.

    Ok, where did I say "I won't do this or that?" And my problem is with "getting out there and doind some excercise" - thats what I'm embarrassed about.

    Apart from that, thanks for the help people :) I've started doing the stairs thing and getting off my bus a stop or two early so I can briskly walk the rest of the way and not worry about being dirty for the rest of the day. I already eat a balanced diet with a lot of the stuff you should eat, it's how we work in my household. And I spoke to my dad's girlfriend about it and she said that maybe we could go out o bike rides and stuff like that together because she wants to lose some weight too.

    I'm also drawing uo my revision timetable soon so I can leave set times for my excercise, if I do anything specific.

    Thanks again for the help. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Ilora-Danon
    Mr Wobble....Tut tut.. the whole gym thing was very generalised...
    Maybe, but I know sooo many people who have joined a gym, and given up after a few weeks/months.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by MoonShiner
    Ok, where did I say "I won't do this or that?" And my problem is with "getting out there and doind some excercise" - thats what I'm embarrassed about.

    Apart from that, thanks for the help people :) I've started doing the stairs thing and getting off my bus a stop or two early so I can briskly walk the rest of the way and not worry about being dirty for the rest of the day. I already eat a balanced diet with a lot of the stuff you should eat, it's how we work in my household. And I spoke to my dad's girlfriend about it and she said that maybe we could go out o bike rides and stuff like that together because she wants to lose some weight too.

    I'm also drawing uo my revision timetable soon so I can leave set times for my excercise, if I do anything specific.

    Thanks again for the help. :)

    I get a bit embaressed about going out running, but I enjoy it. Best thing I found is to go around 9pm, there's not many people on the street and it's not like you'll be at college and you may have finished your homework. Just obviously make sure you run in a well lit area. Just 5 or 10 mins every 2 nights will work wonders compared to nothing at all, and coupled with the stairs and brisk walking, you're laughing.

    Just remember not to go too far! Every step you run is a step you have to run back :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Carpet Monster
    I get a bit embaressed about going out running, but I enjoy it. Best thing I found is to go around 9pm, there's not many people on the street and it's not like you'll be at college and you may have finished your homework. Just obviously make sure you run in a well lit area. Just 5 or 10 mins every 2 nights will work wonders compared to nothing at all, and coupled with the stairs and brisk walking, you're laughing.

    Just remember not to go too far! Every step you run is a step you have to run back :)

    I'd like to go out running... but I'm scared of getting laughed at lol :P especially with the amount of charvs near me. Plus... hehe... my friend used to run properly, like she trained and everything, and had to go out every other night or something, but her dad or uncle used to follow her in the car to make sure she was safe, and one time her uncle got pulled over by the police lmao :D because they thought he was kerbcrawling and following her or summat! I found that hilarious :D
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