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the happy christmas thread.

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
you may not post here if you're going to moan about christmas.

it must be so hard getting 2 weeks of school and having to endure people buying you stuff and having to eat nice food.

anyone do anything obscure and a bit different for christmas?

half my family's polish, so we have a traditional polish christmas on christmas eve, and then a semi english christmas on christmas day, and then just a party on boxing day.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    do the same thing every year.
    • get up
    • get pressies
    • go to mass
    • go to mam's parents' house
    • get pressies
    • go to dad's parents' house
    • get pressies
    • get drunk
    • have dinner
    • get drunker
    • watch teevee
    • sleep

    i love it. best day of the year. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My Crimbo -

    Go to sleep crimbo eve
    wake up at 2 am and hunt santa(ive actually done it on numerouse occasions with friends who sleep round....last year we hunted santa with spoons heheh)
    fail at catching santa
    have a snowball fight if its snowing
    go back to bed
    wake up crimbo morning
    moan that the amount of prezzies i get is getting smaller by the year
    give ppl prezzies
    have a full english breakfast
    go to see all my friends and there new toys (i remember when my ex neighbour got an air rifle, oh what fun)
    come home and eat a propa bo crim....bo dinner
    moan that im full and consume wine
    go outside and abuse passers by with snowballs
    come in and get changed
    spend the rest of the night getting stupidly drunk with friends
    go to sleep
    wake up boxing day morning before everyone else
    shout GOOOOOOD MORNING WEEE AT NAAAAME! as loud as i can down the whole street and round the house(they actually started expeicting it and one crimbo they woke me up at 4am....every single one of the bastards)
    go back to bed
    wake up yet again and think...roll on new years
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Christmas eve
    Watch a christmasy film (usually a Muppet Christmas Carol). Go to bed...

    Chritmas day
    Wake up, around 6.30, open sotckings with my brother and sisters. Wake our mum and dad up around 8ish. Go downstairs, open our main presents. Argue about whose going in the shower first...get dressed...our family come round...we all go out. Have a meal, drink lots. Everyone comes back to our house, we drink more, play stupid games, and hurt ourselves in stupid fireplaces. (damn thing shouldnt be so near me.) Go to bed.

    Boxing day
    Wake up to the smell of cooking. Lounge around the house for a bit, get dressed. Eat another meal. Get ready (in fancy dress) for Talk. Get drunk, dance, do normal clubish things.

    I :heart: my christmas :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    mines blatently better :E
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Bennie
    mines blatently better :E
    Liiiiiaaaarr :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My Christmas is good :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well this is unuseral Xmas for me as ill be alone Xmas day but i dont think it will be all that bad as i get my gf on boxing day :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Bennie
    mines blatently better :E

    how truuue :p blah back to mine *prances about while describing the week*

    Xmas eve
    • tell my little sister that shes been bad and she'll get no pressies
    • stay up till about 4am talking to my best mate
    • annoy mum if dads not around and do random things with her....*like get pissed*
    • find some alcoho alone and get pissed
    • prance about the house and check who got the most pressies (most likely my ickle sister)
    • fall alseep usually on bed and not usually in it

    xmas day
    • open pressies
    • force someone to make me a bacon sandwhich (thats normal tbh)
    • play with pressies
    • call my best mate and compare pressies
    • attempt to get some money to bugger off out
    • usually end up helping to cook lunch :s
    • eat lunch
    • feel sick cos i ate loads
    • sneak out at night

    boxing day
    • fuck all
    • sleep
    • shop
    • talk to best mate

    • bounce about and expect birthday pressies :D
    • go out for lunch
    • go out with mates
    • go out for dinner
    • sneak out
    • talk to best mate
    • get pissed somewhere in the day

    new years eve
    • go out for dinner with the family and atempt to get subtly tipsy/pissed
    • sneak out with mates and get successfully pissed (partying/clubbing)
    • float on home at about 6am

    new years day
    • sleep it all off
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Looking forward to it this year, Dad's coming home, and first Christmas in Blighty for 3 years! But wish I had "someone special" to go with it... you can't win 'em all!!! :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Meh Christmas is always the same old routine.

    Midnight communion Christmas eve.

    Get up about 10
    Drag my bro out of bed
    Open presents
    eat lunch
    watch queens speach
    everyone falls asleep but me so bored off my arse
    feel sick from eating and drinking too much
    go bed

    boxing day....every other year (this year being that year) same old routine as xmas day cos my bro and wife come, drags christmas out and being stuck not allowed to go anywhere for 2 days. oh what joy christmas will be this year and no Asa around to cheer me up.

    Sorry Christmas was fun when I was little and my dad was alive to join in it all. Ever since he died it's been one long drawn out process with smething/someone missing.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Xmas is good but it only last three days so I don't find it that big of a deal. I'm looking forward to Boxing day most - I'm going raving!
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    merry xmas, one and all
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    my christmas:

    christmas eve - odd mix of polish tradition, and my family being odd:

    in the morning you put up your tree and decorations. traditionally you're not allowed to eat anything in the daytime, and my mum and aunt still do this, but the rule has been relaxed a bit for the young'uns.

    all of my mum's side of the family gets together. it's the one night of the year where no one is excused.

    we wait for the first star to come out, and then we start. we have sheets of this stuff called oplatek, which is basically blessed rice paper, and the deal is that the oldest person in the family goes to the youngest, both armed with oplatek, and they wish each other well for the coming year, either something specific, or just general happiness and fun stuff. then they each break off a bit of the other's oplatek and eat it. then everyone does the same to each other until you have all done everyone. then we eat.

    polish food at christmas is one of the most horrific parts of christmas. we have carp in jelly, beetroot soup, potato and cheese pasta things cooked in butter, other ming fishy things and bread. that's all you're allowed. no meat. until my grandma died 4 years ago i just had bread and butter, cause i didn't like anything else, and she was so fiercely traditional that she wouldn't let me eat anything else. these last few years my mum has relented and cooked me pasta. it's all washed down with the traditional home-brewed spirit (some kind of lemon vodka) called titrinuwka. eating will stop randomly to offer toasts to people who need them, or, as everyone gets drunker, just about anything.

    after the meal you have to sing for your presents. no word of a lie. you sing and sing until it is deemed that you have sung enough (which can be about 2 hours). the newest addition to the family has to do a solo.

    then you get your presents. then everyone gets very very drunk. then they go to midnight mass and highly embarrass themselves. sometimes this is followed by a bout of paraletic carol singing, to whichever unfortunate neighbour they feel is worthy of their vocal talents that year. then we go to bed.

    christmas day:

    we all trundle off to my aunts for english christmas lunch. after all the fish it's quite the relief. we don't have any presents on christmas day unless it's a joke present. the whole family proceeds to get drunk again.

    boxing day:

    as christmas day, but with much crapper telly and leftovers.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm going home on the 20th till the 25th. I get to see my parents before they leave for Spain, and I get to see my brother and my sister, and my grandma is coming down. And there is always lots and lots and lots of food :D:D Yum In fact, although I don't have enough money, I'm going shopping for them tonight because I absoutly love buying people gifts. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Xmas Eve

    Working in Dundee (which is 100 miles south of home) supposedly till 11. Now if it is 11, then I'm fucked. Or rather, my dad is, as he'll have to drive down and pick me up.

    But apparently I'll be on till 9. This means I can bomb down and get a train to Aberdeen, get picked up and driven home by the time Santa comes. Which Mrs Claus says takes too long :p

    But yes, tiring.

    Xmas Day

    Get up about 9-10 at a guess, see what Santa left. Then faff about till lunch (which I'll have to help sort out) gobble up lunch, more pressies in the afternoon.

    Then more falling asleep, faffing about. Dunno who's all gonna be there, just lots of annoying family.

    The last two Xmas Days, I've been in bed by 10pm. So I'll be fucked.

    Boxing Day

    More faffing about.

    Get driven back down south sometime in the evening.

    27th December

    Over to Miss Bri-namite's for a good feed. Two Xmas lunches, we like the sound of that :yes:

    Then hopefully sex at some point.

    I actually really fancy going to the football that day, but I'm leaving well alone :nervous:

    28th - 31st December


    Hogmanay Night

    Getting totally fucking wasted in town with Miss Bri-namite and co. With an added surprise ;)

    Then more sex, ideally :)

    New Years Day

    Hangover, with a nice lunch yet to be decided. She's cooking this time :yes:

    Then sleep before 2004 kicks in.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    mine usually goes like this

    22nd - drive to switzerland

    crimbo eve - ski then open oysters and drink buliney things (champagne with peach stuff)
    argue a bit over how long ago the thing with the mushrooms was (a meal)

    crimbo - get up, get washed and dressed, eat brekkie, argue over when will be prezzie time, ski, shower, get dressed, eat, crash out on sofa, about 10.30 remember it's crimbo and start opening prezzies.

    but this year we're staying home so we dont have to endure the joint christmas with my mums friends family abroad.
    but my grandmas going to be here so i may commit suicide ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Happy Yule people!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Christmas eve we have to leave some magic dust on the doorstep - its made with oats (to attract the reindeer) and glitter (so santa can see where to stop)...then we hang up our stockings and the littl'un goes to bed ....and i scurry around being Santa :D:D

    then me and the fella play on our xmas game - this year its Mario Kart Double Dash and drink Becks and go to bed.

    Lily comes and wakes us up on xmas morning and my boyf has to go check if he's been....he shouts through to us and her little face lights up as soon as she sees the pressies....its sooooooo magical!

    Then boyf makes brekkie for us while we play. Then we go visiting. And to my mum's for lunch :yum: Trivial Pursuit on the night, i'm all set ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My Festive season plans

    Xmas Eve
    • Take Mini-Ninja to junior chrimbo disco
    • Have a meal with my family
    • Get drunk
    • Pick up Mini-Ninja from disco
    • Try and get him to bed before midnight :rolleyes:
    • Drag out all his pressies
    • On the way to bed put big floury footprints around house to look like Santa has been

    Xmas Day
    • Get woken at half-past silly o'clock by Mini-Ninja
    • Tell him it's too early
    • Get up 2 mins later feeling guilty that I sent him back to his bed
    • Watch his little facelight up with every present opening
    • Spend the next 4 hours trying to assemble all the stuff and fit batteries
    • Go to in-laws for meal
    • Eat. Lots.
    • Go to my folks house
    • Get drunk. Very
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Christmas Eve-
    Get up really early
    Go down stairs and open Birthday prezzies
    Mess about trying out all the stuff for a few hours
    Have family over
    Get a few mates over to chat
    Eat nice lunch and get a Cake:D
    Put up stockings and go to bed
    Ilove christmas eve...:D ;)

    Christmas day
    Get up early again
    Get prezzies
    Try out me new stuff
    Go round to me grandparents for dinner
    Come home and have a party with other mates til the wee hours of the morning

    Boxing day

    All the family round for a party
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    umm, well i'm spending it in cornwall this year with my grandparents, sister, mum and stepdad.

    we're spending christmas eve travelling down to cornwall, should take a few hours. this isn't until after i've been at work since 2pm the following day till around 6am on christmas eve morning :eek2: :rolleyes:

    it'll be different this year, as we're spending it in a posh hotel. so; no christmas tree :eek2: the presents will just be...on the floor i guess.

    me and my sister are sharing a room, so we'll open our stockings first off..then after that, I guess we'll wake the parents up..then probably meet the grandparents. they'll be no getting drunk for me, my grandad certainly wouldn't approve.

    boxing day: not sure..

    day after boxing day: travelling back up home :)

    christmas eve: working 6am-12, then getting rather drunk :D :razz: :hyper:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    eat drink and be merry.

    99% of shopping done ...what a relief. notice xmas has gone genetic this year. theres a santa in nearly every friggin shop ...must be santa clones!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Xmas Eve

    Will go out with my mates and probably toddle into town and buy each other little gifts, just to get rid of the last of our actual earned money, as opposed to the easy money that comes the next day, and laugh at parents who can't find the Barbie that little Amber wants.
    Will get home, piss around, then answer the door and *shock* my godparents have bought my presents ( which, while I do not want to seem ungrateful, is always a T-shirt/sweatshirt made by Adidas/Nike etc., a budget game and some sort of naff compilation CD) so I give them hugs and be polite, and make drinks for them and my parents.
    Bugger off to bed at about 12.

    Xmas Day

    Wake up, look up and realise my brother is there, laugh at how hungover he will be when he wakes up to an excess of alcohol the night before with his mates "on the town". Go downstairs to find my eldest sister on the couch because my other sister/cousin both snore really loudly.

    Try and be quiet as possible and open the presents from the aforementioned godparents.

    Wait around for siblings and cousin, then open the presents that we gave each other, and the ones off our friends/partners.
    Dad puts the shite Xmas compilation from 1985 on, usually "Hawaiian Christmas"

    Help make dinner

    Eat dinner, which is your traditional meal with a couple of Ghanaian additions, such as Gari Photu, which is kinda like maize in a tomato sauce, and other things like that.

    Try and keep the family in the same room without watching the TV

    Fail, then bugger off to my room to find my brother ringing all his friends organising another ridiculous night out, so go and play with new plaything.

    Go to bed.

    Boxing Day is just like any other day, but we are guarenteed to have Salmon for lunch, and the same on New Years Day.
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