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I need a hug (v2.0) 💚



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    eylaheylah Posts: 272 The Mix Regular
    Slinky wrote: »
    I had to have a tiny few stitches earlier. It was a stressy day. Staying with my mam for a few days so that's positive. The nurse was talking to me about coping mechanisms and pointed out that I use distraction and humour and told me that it's okay to feel things. It made me think about stuff, I know what she said is true but I don't think humour is a bad coping mechanism like there's no harm in it but idk maybe its better if I do let myself feel things lol I feel I move on from things quite quickly though. ah well

    really hope youre ok. glad youre with mum. you deserve to feel safe. <3
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    AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 1,217 Wise Owl
    Hey @Slinky I hope it wasn’t too bad. Here if you want to talk 💙
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    eylaheylah Posts: 272 The Mix Regular
    Chloe234 wrote: »
    What if I lose her? I can't lose her. She means everything to me. She's my world. I can't I can't I cant

    so sorry. is your dad awake to help. 🫂
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    AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 1,217 Wise Owl
    @eylah do you have like a comfort TV show / book or something to help you fall asleep?
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    eylaheylah Posts: 272 The Mix Regular
    @eylah do you have like a comfort TV show / book or something to help you fall asleep?

    quiet rain sounds. got it on rn. <3. sleepy.
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    Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,427 Wise Owl
    Lost my voice
    ♡ she was like a star ♡
    ♡ nothing but a beautiful echo ♡
    ♡ of death ♡
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    eylaheylah Posts: 272 The Mix Regular
    feel like screaming. i cant do this anymore. it hurts to even open my eyes. :(
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 822 Part of The Mix Family
    @Gemma if only you weren't a Liverpool fan 😂

    sorry you're just jealous @TheNightmare that Utd aren't a top team anymore hehe
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 822 Part of The Mix Family
    Slinky wrote: »
    I had to have a tiny few stitches earlier. It was a stressy day. Staying with my mam for a few days so that's positive. The nurse was talking to me about coping mechanisms and pointed out that I use distraction and humour and told me that it's okay to feel things. It made me think about stuff, I know what she said is true but I don't think humour is a bad coping mechanism like there's no harm in it but idk maybe its better if I do let myself feel things lol I feel I move on from things quite quickly though. ah well

    Hey @Slinky how are you doing today? :)

    Definitely sounds like a stressy day - I'm really sorry this happened to you. You only ever deserve care and kindness. <3

    It's definitely common to use humour to cope - I'm probably the same. But equally you are allowed moments to feel things and to let your emotions out. If you can find the time to take yourself off to feel those things, that's all a healthy thing to do.
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 822 Part of The Mix Family
    Chloe234 wrote: »
    Really getting worked up. Somethings wrong with my dog. I'm trying to message people but no ones awake. Last time bora was like this she needed surgery. But she's old so the vets probably won't and dad will probably take the easier option. What if I lose her. She's so restless. She won't stop whimpering or panting or shaking her head or pacing

    I'm so sorry @Chloe234 this sounds so worrying. How is Nora today? <3
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    eylaheylah Posts: 272 The Mix Regular
    not very well today. feel so tired from living. wish there was a way out. but isnt. :(
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    Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 2,291 Boards Champion
    Gemma wrote: »
    Chloe234 wrote: »
    Really getting worked up. Somethings wrong with my dog. I'm trying to message people but no ones awake. Last time bora was like this she needed surgery. But she's old so the vets probably won't and dad will probably take the easier option. What if I lose her. She's so restless. She won't stop whimpering or panting or shaking her head or pacing

    I'm so sorry @Chloe234 this sounds so worrying. How is Nora today? <3

    She's just been sleeping all day. I'm probably just paranoid but now she's older and I've sorta lost everything else I guess I'm more worried.
    I told dad and he said just to keep an eye on it. I just feel that if it led to another surgery, because of her age I feel like they'd take a different option. I just can't lose her.
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    eylaheylah Posts: 272 The Mix Regular
    tried making appt for xray. but not authorised it. feel so 💩. i give up. i am in pain. :/
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,023 Wise Owl
    @Gemma my mum spoke to my mental health team today and apparently what's happening is they're giving me daily phone calls to assess wether I need to be in hospital or not??? That's what I was told
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    eylaheylah Posts: 272 The Mix Regular
    no one outside here is listening. its making me want die. just give me the xray. :(
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 822 Part of The Mix Family
    eylah wrote: »
    not very well today. feel so tired from living. wish there was a way out. but isnt. :(
    eylah wrote: »
    tried making appt for xray. but not authorised it. feel so 💩. i give up. i am in pain. :/
    eylah wrote: »
    no one outside here is listening. its making me want die. just give me the xray. :(

    Hey @eylah, it sounds like things are feeling really tough for you right now. Can I just check in to see if you're feeling like you can keep yourself safe today? <3

    Can I ask what you're looking to get an xray for? It sounds like you're in need of some care there. I'm sorry it feels like things aren't going to plan.

    If you ever do feel like you can't keep yourself safe, please do reach out to these lovely services below:
    *If you need urgent help or have any concerns for your health or safety, the quickest way to get help is to call 999 or go to your nearest A&E. 
    *Local urgent mental health helpline | Open 24/7 | Find details about your local service here.
    *Crisis Messenger - Our crisis messenger text service provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you’re aged 25 or under, you can text THEMIX to 85258.
    *Papyrus - If you are having thoughts of suicide, you can contact HOPELINEUK for confidential support and practical advice. You can call them on 0800 068 4141 or text them on 07786209697.
    *Samaritans are reachable by phone and email 24/7. Whatever you're going through, you can call them any time, from any phone on 116 123.

    Sending you lots of strength <3
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 822 Part of The Mix Family
    spacedog wrote: »
    @Gemma my mum spoke to my mental health team today and apparently what's happening is they're giving me daily phone calls to assess wether I need to be in hospital or not??? That's what I was told

    @spacedog I haven't heard of them doing this before! How are you feeling about that?

    It would be better if they could actually offer you some support, rather than just assessing your need to be in hospital, wouldn't it. I'm guessing they didn't offer anything else tangible that could be helpful?

    I'm sorry things are so bad at the minute @spacedog, we're sending you so much strength. <3
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,023 Wise Owl
    @Gemma nevermind I'm not getting anymore phone calls - hospitals not going to be an option and my psychiatric nurse said I need to stop putting myself in hospital just for attention - which I'm not. Nothings happening in terms of support anymore
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    eylaheylah Posts: 272 The Mix Regular
    Gemma wrote: »
    eylah wrote: »
    not very well today. feel so tired from living. wish there was a way out. but isnt. :(
    eylah wrote: »
    tried making appt for xray. but not authorised it. feel so 💩. i give up. i am in pain. :/
    eylah wrote: »
    no one outside here is listening. its making me want die. just give me the xray. :(

    Hey @eylah, it sounds like things are feeling really tough for you right now. Can I just check in to see if you're feeling like you can keep yourself safe today? <3

    Can I ask what you're looking to get an xray for? It sounds like you're in need of some care there. I'm sorry it feels like things aren't going to plan.

    If you ever do feel like you can't keep yourself safe, please do reach out to these lovely services below:
    *If you need urgent help or have any concerns for your health or safety, the quickest way to get help is to call 999 or go to your nearest A&E. 
    *Local urgent mental health helpline | Open 24/7 | Find details about your local service here.
    *Crisis Messenger - Our crisis messenger text service provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you’re aged 25 or under, you can text THEMIX to 85258.
    *Papyrus - If you are having thoughts of suicide, you can contact HOPELINEUK for confidential support and practical advice. You can call them on 0800 068 4141 or text them on 07786209697.
    *Samaritans are reachable by phone and email 24/7. Whatever you're going through, you can call them any time, from any phone on 116 123.

    Sending you lots of strength <3

    hi gemma. im safe. my hips. i have problems with my hips since birth. and they play in up again. i cant walk bc of them. i am so tired of it all. i wish there was a way to leave without causing inflicted pain on others. im safe though. <3
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    eylaheylah Posts: 272 The Mix Regular
    spacedog wrote: »
    @Gemma nevermind I'm not getting anymore phone calls - hospitals not going to be an option and my psychiatric nurse said I need to stop putting myself in hospital just for attention - which I'm not. Nothings happening in terms of support anymore

    so sorry to hear. we here for you. you matter. <3
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    TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,508 Extreme Poster
    Gemma wrote: »
    @Gemma if only you weren't a Liverpool fan 😂

    sorry you're just jealous @TheNightmare that Utd aren't a top team anymore hehe

    @Gemma yh probably haha. On a serious note like the original quote, you are very kind just like everyone here.
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