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I need a hug (v2.0) 💚



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    Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 2,291 Boards Champion
    Tw alcohol
    cant even go one fucking day. Im such an idiot
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    eylaheylah Posts: 272 The Mix Regular
    edited June 29
    i feel like crying. safe. having distressing thoughts again.
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    eylaheylah Posts: 272 The Mix Regular
    edited June 29


    posting to say youre all stronger then you believe. you got this. <3
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    Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,428 Wise Owl
    @spacedog and @Siena are you both safe
    ♡ she was like a star ♡
    ♡ nothing but a beautiful echo ♡
    ♡ of death ♡
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    SlinkySlinky Posts: 145 Helping Hand

    Are you safe? we're here for you <3
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    SlinkySlinky Posts: 145 Helping Hand

    You could be drunk buddy, you aren't typing too well. Who's telling you that you're drunk?
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    Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,428 Wise Owl
    @spacedog glad to hear that <3
    ♡ she was like a star ♡
    ♡ nothing but a beautiful echo ♡
    ♡ of death ♡
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    SlinkySlinky Posts: 145 Helping Hand
    edited June 29
    Ugh, that sounds so confusing mate and It must be so crappy to be expecting a call but knowing that they're not going to do anything to help you. Have you tried talking to mam, is she supportive?

    Ignoring what mam and everyone else wants - what do YOU want?

    You will be able to think more clearly if you can sober up a little so it's a good thing that she has taken away your drink.

    We're here for you <3
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,023 Wise Owl
    edited June 30
    @Slinky idk I kept begging her to phone up the crisis team to phone ask for a mental health agt assestbut she refused and then I drank and drank and all that's hit I just want help but I'm a tiny bit drunk I guess but kinda sick
    Post edited by Gemma on
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    SlinkySlinky Posts: 145 Helping Hand
    edited June 30
    Jeez mate :( It sounds like you've had a right old difficult night @spacedog . It's really frustrating that she refused to phone up the crisis team when you begged her. I'm so so sorry that she didn't listen. She should've supported you in getting some help. Do you know when the mental health worker is supposed to be calling you?

    I know mam didn't support you with your mental health but if you're after getting yourself injured it might be best if you go and ask her to take a look at it for you, what do you think?
    Post edited by Gemma on
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,023 Wise Owl
    edited June 30
    @Slinky the crisis team was closed so all she could do was phone the nhs 24 thing they'll phone soon I think
    Post edited by Gemma on
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    eylaheylah Posts: 272 The Mix Regular
    im really hurting rn. :(
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    eylaheylah Posts: 272 The Mix Regular
    edited June 29
    :(head going to expolde. worse headache.
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    Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,428 Wise Owl
    Im going insane
    ♡ she was like a star ♡
    ♡ nothing but a beautiful echo ♡
    ♡ of death ♡
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 822 Part of The Mix Family
    spacedog wrote: »
    @Slinky the crisis team was closed so all she could do was phone the nhs 24 thing they'll phone soon I think
    spacedog wrote: »
    I feel really sick lol my fault tho

    Hey @spacedog, I'm just checking in with you this morning to see how you're doing over there? It's good to hear you saying you felt like you could keep yourself safe last night but it does sound like you had a really tricky night.

    I'm really sorry that things at home are so tough. You deserve to be supported. How did the call with NHS 24 go?

    I've just hidden a few comments from last night where you mentioned injuring yourself, just in keeping with our community guidelines. But please do let us know how you're feeling this morning, physically and otherwise. <3
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 822 Part of The Mix Family
    Siena wrote: »
    Siena wrote: »
    Someonee tell my delulu ass to let go. I will never have a life. Stop trying so hard you delulu cunt

    Hey @Siena I just wanted to check in with you to see if you're feeling like you can keep yourself safe right now?

    We all really care about you and want you to keep trying hard to fight those thoughts. We're really proud of you for how far you've come. <3

    Do you have any plans today to keep you busy?

    Remember to keep reaching out and there are lots of lovely services you can talk to if you're struggling:
    *If you need urgent help or have any concerns for your health or safety, the quickest way to get help is to call 999 or go to your nearest A&E. 
    *Local urgent mental health helpline | Open 24/7 | Find details about your local service here.
    *Crisis Messenger - Our crisis messenger text service provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you’re aged 25 or under, you can text THEMIX to 85258.
    *Papyrus - If you are having thoughts of suicide, you can contact HOPELINEUK for confidential support and practical advice. You can call them on 0800 068 4141 or text them on 07786209697.
    *Samaritans are reachable by phone and email 24/7. Whatever you're going through, you can call them any time, from any phone on 116 123.
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 822 Part of The Mix Family
    I'm sending hugs to you all today and just wanted to acknowledge how heart-warming it is to see you all supporting eachother. We're all in this together <3
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    eylaheylah Posts: 272 The Mix Regular
    hope everyone is doing ok this morning. rest up today. <3
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