Discovering your Identity: helping your younger self

The Mix is creating a video featuring older members of the LGBTQIA+ community, where they'll be answering questions put to them by 14-16 year olds. The idea is for them to share the wisdom and experience they've gained with younger people, and tackle those questions you might be too afraid (or not know) to ask about gender, sexuality and relationships as a teenager. We're coming to you for those questions.
If you’re 14-16 we want to know – Your questions about sexuality, growing up and relationships.
If you’re over 16 we want to know – what questions would you have liked to have answered when you were 14-16 years old.
What can I ask?
You can ask anything related to the topics mentioned above. Just reply to this post with your questions and they will be answered by members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
The video will be filmed mid-March and it will be up on The Mix website shortly after. By putting your questions forward you may get answers from someone who has been through a similar journey in life to your own. Alternatively you might provide a young person with a bit of confidence in their journey of discovering their sexuality.
If you have any questions for us about this video Q&A feel free to post these below too. 😊
when do you now you're ready for a relationship?
Do you think being in a relationship from a young age stops you living your teenage years like others would? (does that make sense?) like it stops you being 'young, wild and free' ect...
how do you know what sexuality you are?
is it normal to 'experiment' with your sexuality?